On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 6:40 AM, Pol Henarejos <pol.henare...@cttc.es> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have my c++ app written using the audio module. Even though I placed the 
> [audio] audio_module=oss inside ~/.gnuradio/config.conf, the audio_make_sink 
> loads the ALSA sink. Moreover, if I execute dial_tone.py it takes correctly 
> the configuration in config.conf and uses the oss audio_sink.
> It seems that when I use python environment loads correctly the config.conf 
> but not my app. Do you know I have to specify some path, load command or 
> something?
> Thank you.
> --
> Pol Henarejos
> Research Engineer, MSc
> pol.henare...@cttc.es


That's one of the problems with working in two languages and having
some things defined one place and others in another place. It looks
like the Python and C++ preferences don't behave exactly the same.

Instead of putting the configuration info into your home directory
('~/.gnuradio/'), try putting it into the system configuration
directory ($prefix/etc/gnuradio/conf.d) into the gr-audio.conf file.


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