On 01/08/2013 09:24 PM, Luong Tan Phong wrote:
> Hi list,
> I installed gnuradio (with grextras), uhd libraries on Windows from
> sources. My project used stream_selector (C++) class to to dynamically
> reconfigure the flow graph at runtime. When I call gr_top_block.stop()/
> wait(), the wait() function don't return in a long time and I must to kill
> my application process to finish.
> Could you help me, please?
> Best regards,
> LTP.

stop() causes a thread interruption signal
wait() blocks on joining all scheduler threads

If wait is blocking forever then a work function is blocked on something
and not exiting, or for some reason a scheduler thread is not exiting.

I'm really not sure why, but I would like to fix the issue. Can you
narrow down the issue to a subset of the blocks that cause a problem?
code snippet? Is there a reason you think its the stream selector blocks
(for example)?


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