Thanks Jonathan!  That tidbit probably saved me an hour of
 troubleshooting right there! :)

@(^.^)@  Ed

On 2/12/13 10:16 AM, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Ed Criscuolo
< <>> wrote:

    My question is, are there any showstoppers for able to run
    GnuRadio 3.3 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS?  My customer _really_ wants all the
    SDRs to be the same for CM purposes, and does not have the schedule
    time for me to port his custom blocks and flowgraphs from GR3.3 to

    I know over the last year or two there's been a lot of Boost and
    Qt version issues, and I want to know if I'm about to paint myself
    into a corner here.

Well, I'm not aware of anything that would prevent 3.3 from working on
Ubuntu 12.04, but of course I don't think anyone has actually tried it.

The Boost version in 12.04 defaults to 1.46, which has a known bug that
affects GNU Radio, but 1.48 is also available on that distro.


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