> Ralph,
> "git branch next" just moves you over to the next branch but doesn't
> pull anything down. If there was an error doing "git pull next", then
> just moving to that branch wouldn't have any effect.

This seems to be the problem, as usually git checkout xxx did the job.
> Also, you mentioned an error. When asking for help and you have an
> error, it makes it much easier for us to help you if you tell us what
> the error is.

Of course, but in this case I assumed some basic problem, and I was right :) 
The problem is that I usually do email from Windows, not from Linux, so it 
takes a second attempt to exactly copy the error and paste it.

> Finally, while next hasn't changed for a couple of days, we did a
> pretty big change last week in our move to full 3.7 form. We removed
> gnuradio-core and now have a gnuradio-runtime. This is probably the
> cause of your issues.

I know this change, and that exactly is the reason that I wanted to give it a 
try. Now "next" is building while I ride a train from Munich to Nuremburg with 
300 km/h and sipping a beer.

> Tom


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