Sorry to bother the forum.

I have made a .grc(attached) which gives me the same result.

Of course, I have to design a receiver for this MAC, and I'm stumbling in

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Manu T S <> wrote:

> Hi Nathan,
> Thanks for the tip
> I'm not sure if its same as interleaving.
> Suppose I have W bandwidth, and I interleave bits of two sources. I guess
> we only get effective W/2 bandwidth per source.
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:05 AM, Nathan West <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Manu T S <> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I need help regarding a problem.
>>> It's a Multiple Access Channel problem but one of the source is offset
>>> by half a symbol period.
>>> ########################################################
>>> source1 ---> bytes_to_chunks(1) ----> chunks_to_symbol ---
>>> |
>>> ---> black_box --->
>>> |
>>> source2 ---> bytes_to_chunks(1) ----> chunks_to_symbol ---
>>> ########################################################
>>> I want to add these to outputs such that the the symbol corresponding to
>>> souce2 falls between two symbols of source1.
>>> There will be RRC waveform corresponding to every bit out of the source.
>>> The RRC waveform corresponding to a bit in source2 should fall between RRC
>>> waveform corresponding to 2 bits of source1 ( preferably at the midpoint ).
>>> I guess I can not do a streams to stream converter, before RRC, because
>>> what that would give me a channel with twice the bandwidth of a single
>>> channel.
>>> Should I work on a new RRC filter block with 2 inputs or is there any
>>> other way to do this?
>>> New ideas to achieve this is also welcome.
>>> --
>>> Manu T S
>>> Unless I'm misunderstanding it sounds like you want to interleave bytes.
>> Available in GRC Stream Conversions>Interleave
>> -nw
> --
> Manu T S

Manu T S

Attachment: offset_mac.grc
Description: Binary data

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