Hi all,

I'm trying to configure USRP2. So I'm installing gnuradio and uhd. The error message "Building rtl-sdr...gr-osmosdr build apparently failed" occured when I used build-gnuradio script to install gnuradio and uhd. Anyone has any solutions about this problem? Alternatively, If I want to configure USRP2, how should I install gnuradio and uhd? I think the build-gnuradio script is the easiest, but I failed.

Best regards,
Jincheng Zhang

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
It's likely that what happened was that the Gnu Radio part of the build was only partially successful--due to BOOST issues.

If you run it again, with --verbose  or --logfile <name-of-logfile>

And look at the results, you'll probably see the Gnu Radio build turning off a bunch of components due to boost compatibility issues.

Since gr-osmosdr relies on bits of Gnu Radio having already been compiled and installed, it will fail.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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