Hi Bastian,

Now the grc examples work with no error. The crash of the system during
gnuradio compilation is due to the boost version (the version 1.46 causes
the problem). After I switched to version 1.48, the compilation of the
current gnuradio from the git repository works all right.



2013/4/16 Bastian Bloessl <bastian.bloe...@uibk.ac.at>

> Hey Brian,
> first, thank you for your comment.
> On 04/15/2013 03:37 PM, Brian Padalino wrote:
>> I think it would be great for the community to get a rundown of the
>> entire standard itself, modulation/demodulation within GNU Radio, how
>> you handled frequency/sampling offsets, etc.
> I thought about that and as it is all-supervisors-are-at-**infocom-week,
> I tried something...
> I made an IPython notebook, and reimplemented the transmitter iterative
> (i.e. non-stream) in python in the browser. I annotated it with text and
> plots and pictures.
> It leads the reader step by step through the whole encoding process until
> we are at complex baseband representation. Than it writes the samples into
> a file. (The whole stuff happens in the browser, or is controlled through
> the browser).
> I included a script, that creates a Linux pipe and starts the file_tx
> program, which is part of the UHD library. So the samples are really
> transmitted.
> I can receive the signal that I send in the browser with my TelosB mote.
> It's somehow funny and you can look at the signal in every stage of the
> encoding process.
> It's a bit hard to describe and maybe some don't have ipython installed.
> So I made a really, really ugly video [1], but maybe it helps to see what
> going on.
> You can have a look at the notebook here [2]. It is a Gist rendered by the
> notebook viewer. You can download the Gist [3] and run it interactively in
> your browser.
> The whole stuff is not prove read, contains a lot of errors, is just 4 fun
> and should just show the idea.
> Best,
> Bastian
> [1] 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?**v=OKeRCZGHi1E<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKeRCZGHi1E>
> [2] http://nbviewer.ipython.org/**5394322<http://nbviewer.ipython.org/5394322>
> [3] 
> https://gist.github.com/**bastibl/5394322<https://gist.github.com/bastibl/5394322>
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Bastian Bloessl
> Institute of Computer Science
> University of Innsbruck, Austria
> Phone: +43 512 507-53288 / Fax: -53079
> http://ccs.uibk.ac.at/~**bloessl/ <http://ccs.uibk.ac.at/~bloessl/>
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