I just did a fresh install of gnuradio per the following:


It was done on a fresh wipe and install of Kubuntu 13.04 - in fact it was the 
first thing I installed after I installed the operating system.

I'm trying to run a script I generated on another system to stream data from a 
USRP-N210.  I can provide the .GRC file and the generated python if needed, but 
there are only three main blocks... the USRP source, a "head" block to stop the 
simulation after collecting all the data I want, and a file sink.  The script 
worked fine on the Windows-based machine I was using.

Gnuradio-companion can generate the python file, but when I execute it, I get 
the following:

Generating: "home/developer/Documents/gnuradio/top_block.py"

Executing: "home/developer/Documents/gnuradio/top_block.py"
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
>>> Done

OK, so just out of curiosity, I brought up a command line to see if I could 
execute the python script from there.  And I can.  So the issue is not the 
generation of the script - it is something in GRC.  As far as I know I've set 
the PYTHONPATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables correctly.

I have tried creating a couple of other simple flowgraphs, and they seem to 
work.  But this one doesn't.  Even if I recreate it from scratch (so as to 
avoid any issues that might have happened from using Windows initially) I get 
the same error.

I'd appreciate any help you can provide.

Scott Bennett
Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab
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