On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Rick Spanbauer <rspanba...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Hi - I've converted over to using gnuradio 3.7 from the 'next' branch.
> Over time, I've accumulated a considerable library of gnuradio-companion
> designs, and found that
> the few designs I've spot checked so far don't load correctly under 3.7.  An
> example
> error is as follows:
> dspdev.2035> gnuradio-companion correlator.grc
> linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104800; UHD_003.005.002-65-g265daa58
> <<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion v3.6.4.1-1280-g0a8078a5 >>>
> Loading: "correlator.grc"
>>>> Error: Block key "gr_vector_source_x" not found in Platform - grc(GNU
>>>> Radio Companion)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/bin/gnuradio-companion", line 70, in <module>
>     try:
> gtk.window_set_default_icon(gtk.IconTheme().load_icon('gnuradio-grc', 256,
> 0))
> GError: Icon 'gnuradio-grc' not present in theme
> I realize the APIs structure has changed, and for hand coded python blocks,
> I've
> made the necessary changes.  The .grc designs are more painful to deal with
> here, since
> it would seem that they have to be substantially re-entered into
> gnuradio-companion.  With
> the design not rendering due to missing blocks, there isn't much of a trail
> of breadcrumbs
> to reconstruct the designs from.
> Is there a conversion program or some trick I'm missing?  Figured I would
> ask, before
> investing the time to re-enter the designs I really need.
> Host platforms are 64 bit Ubuntu machines, running 12.04, 12.10.  Last git
> pull og gnuradio
> was on May 21, with the 'old' version of gnuradio 3.6 entirely wiped from
> /usr/local before
> compile/install of 3.7.
> Thanks -- Rick Spanbauer

We don't have a way of doing automatic conversions from 3.6 to 3.7. It
should be possible, as Josh suggested in a parallel response here, if
someone wants to help us out (we can provide a spread sheet with the
list of blocks and where they are now).

For now, though, we've provided some help by renaming blocks in 3.6 if
they are of the "old" style. So my best advice is to reinstall 3.6 and
open up your flowgraphs. You'll see "(old)" in the name of the block,
which indicates that it won't be there in 3.7. So you can update this
with the 3.7 style block to be forward compatible.

See this page for help:


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