On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ralph A. Schmid, dk5ras
<ra...@schmid.xxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> It is not as bad as it sounds, but almost :)
> With building the last "master" on a 32bit Kubuntu 12.04 none of my grc
> files work. They are all with analog stuff, FM TX and RX stuff with USRP1 as
> transceiver, some RTL2832 receivers.
> Is it possible that old grc files do not work, although the blocks are
> shown? I had a simple TX transmitter, cosinus source, NBFM TX, USRP, three
> blocks, and the "old" grc file threw an error "module object has no
> attribute channel_model" when running it. When I took the very same blocks
> from the blocks menu and assembled the same thing together once again, it
> transmitted a sine tone at 1.8GHz as it should.


Yes, we made the big move the other day towards the 3.7.0 release.
Basically, we made next into master, so master is tracking the 3.7 API
branch now. You should have noticed the ~1100 updates when you pulled

All blocks and code that come with GNU Radio should work fine (we're
bug testing, so reports on bugs in out blocks are welcome). So
anything you have that uses only GNU Radio blocks should update fine,
as long as updated any of the 'old' blocks with the newer ones.

> Not so much luck I had with RTL2832 receivers, with WX GUI FFT and waterfall
> - it simply does not work.
> I assume I am doing smth. wrong, I can't imagine that these problems are
> normal :)

I just sent another message to the listserv about this. All external
GNU Radio projects must be updated to work with the 3.7 API. I've
already started this with gr-osmosdr, including the interface to
RTL-SDR. See the gr-next branch on this repo:


>  My last installation came from Marcus' build script, throwing gr-baz,
> grextras, gr-osmosdr and other stuff into my system. So after restoring a
> backup of the old functional system (with all the stuff) at the moment I am
> doing a clean uninstall of last gnuradio and the accompanying stuff, then a
> complete new build of latest master, to see what is happening. The build
> will take about one hour, some time to drink coffee and wait...
> Ralph.

Why does it take an hour to build? Can't you run a parallel make? Even
using -j2 should cut the time down to about half that.


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