LED E is always on, even when I disconnect the external source

I used this command on the Tx:

and this command on the Rx:

the freq is now very stable
but there is a constant shift of 570 Hz between Rx and Tx

another strange thing happened:
when I used the command
on the Tx, the USRP transmitted with a shift of 10 MHz (minus a few 100s

is this ok?

what can I do to solve the constant shift of 570Hz
what is the uhd.tune_request command and how can I use it when configured
to external clock?

Thanks, Guy

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:

> I Checked the levels with the clock connected to the USRP ( and without)
>> The levels are fine ( about 600 mV rms on the scope)
>> additionally, I disconnected it from the load (USRP) to see if the level
>> changed. and they did (proving the cables are connected to a load).
>> the problem remains,
>> is there a command that could check if the USRP is locked to the external
>> clock?
>> what is the best way to debug this and to find the root cause?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Guy
>>  You can use "test_pps_input"  which is one of the UHD examples.
> Also, LED 'E' tells you whether the clock is locked to the external
> reference.
> --
> Marcus Leech
> Principal Investigator
> Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
> http://www.sbrac.org
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