Hi Guys!

I am trying to develop a half duplex application with N210 and SBX
daughterboard with the latest (git head) gnuradio that needs precise
TX/RX switching times (like in TDMA) in the order of a few samples
(nanoseconds). I have played with the tx_time, tx_sob, tx_eob tags and
they do not seem to solve the problem. My findings so far are:

1) tx_sob/tx_eob does not influence anything related to the TX/RX
switch, it only controls the grouping of the TX data stream into UDP
packets (tx_sob starts a new UDP packet, tx_eof pushes out the last
UDP packet even if it is not full). The same is true for USRP1 but
that uses USB packets.

2) tx_time is translated into the metadata_t struct in the host code
and then it is translated into VITA packet time stamps (converts the
fractional second part into sample numbers). The integer part of
tx_time seems to be discarded, but I still get "L" (timestamp in the
past error), so I do not understand why the FPGA will not wait a
little if only the factional part is considered.

3) I have found this discussion online about TX/RX switch:


where Matt Ettus said that "The act of transmitting turns off the
receiver, so no amount of software will ever change that." in
discussing half duplex operation. Now it is not clear if that comment
is also applicable to the N210 and SBX, and what does he mean by "the
act of transmitting". Specifically, if I send a packet with tx_time in
the future, does the FPGA switches to RX mode while it is waiting?

4) We have looked up the FPGA code, and it seems that the timing is
implemented in a short FIFO when handling the VITA UDP packets. I
could not trace the code further, and I do not see the logic in the
FPGA code that does the automatic switching between RX and TX. Where
is that implemented?

5) Is it true that to switch between RX and TX then the host has to
issue a command (poke register) to update the appropriate pin on the
FPGA? If so, then how can you time the update of that pin to specific
sample numbers?

6) Is it true that the firmware soft core has nothing to do with the
time sensitive data and control handling, so in particular the
provided register access features (if I saw them correctly) are not
used in timing sensitive paths?

7) It is not clear how the gnuradio UHD sink block handles the sample
rate value in the presence of tx_time tags. For example, if I generate
10 small packets each of which has a tx_sob,tx_time and tx_eob and 0.1
sec delay between the times, and all of these small packets are put
into the transmit fifo at once, then what happens? What is the rate
that the UHD sink block will consume this data? It cannot be the
sample rate, because these tags point to the future, so the
consumption rate should be reduced, but is it what happens? Will the
code switch the TX/RX switch to RX between the small packets if all
those are already in the queue?

I hope someone has answers to these questions. Searching the internet
turned up next to nothing on these subjects.


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