On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:59 PM, Bruno Cardoso <bpcard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The image I sent is not my model. My model was attached to the email. Have
> you seen it?
> The image is an example I saw and I noted it's diferent from my.
> My model WBFM_transmitter_Bruno.grc shows a ''UHD: USRP Sink''. In the
> example   http://www.dl8rds.de/index.php/Datei:GnuRadio_USRP2_FM_TRX.jpg,
> the USRP Sink is diferent and it has parameter (Interpolation: 200, Side: B,
> Transmit: Enable) my model doesn't have.
> In GRC I have just a single block ''UHD: USRP Sink'' I belive it is for
> USRP1 and USRP2.

Yes. If you are using the UHD sink, it will be the same block for any
USRP device.

> I have a FM receiver working fine. I can see and tuning the local FM
> stations. But from my FM transmitter I can detect only the carrier.
> I attached my model again,
>   WBFM_transmitter_Bruno.grc
> <http://gnuradio.4.n7.nabble.com/file/n42573/WBFM_transmitter_Bruno.grc>
> If you have a time, take a look on that.

Sorry, I don't have time. Keep in mind my earlier suggestion about
matching the sample rates all the way through your flowgraph.

> Regards,
> Bruno


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