On 07/19/2013 11:41 AM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> On 07/19/2013 11:33 AM, Matt D wrote:
>> i cant use the build script because the git check out fails.  i suspect
>> it has something to do with my router.  i don't know what setting i
>> should change.  any suggestions will be much appreciated.
>> thanks
> Tweak the firewall rules on your router to allow GIT to pass through. 
> Default port is 9418 for GIT.
> I can't tell you how to do that on your router.

i just tried the biuld script with a cable plugged in directly to a
modem. No router, no firewall, no nothing. the git still fails!!??

=======> THIS MAY TAKE QUITE SOME TIME <=========
Fetching Gnu Radio via GIT...Could not find
gnuradio/gnuradio-{core,runtime} after GIT checkout
GIT checkout of Gnu Radio failed!

omg.  what do i have to do here?

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