On 07/20/2013 12:38 PM, M Dammer wrote:
> thanks for the suggestion. I already solved the problem here, by putting
> this configure section in the recipe:
> configure {
>     git checkout tags/v3.6.5.1
>     cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$cmakebuildtype
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix $config_opt
> }
> On 20/07/13 17:04, Nathan West wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:26 AM, M Dammer <i...@mdammer.net> wrote:
>>> This does not work. I am getting a "branch not found, building HEAD
>>> instead" like error and then it builds 3.7. It looks as the gitbranch
>>> part of the recipe really only works with branches while the version
>>> numbers are tags. Does pybombs has a similar command than gitbranch to
>>> define a tag in a recipe ?
>>> On 19/07/13 20:00, Tom Rondeau wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:31 PM, M Dammer <i...@mdammer.net> wrote:
>>>>> Has anyone a recipe for installing the 3.6-branch via pybombs ? I need a
>>>>> 3.6 parallel installation on my system, because many old projects are
>>>>> not working "out of the box" in 3.7.x. Even many of the projects
>>>>> referenced by recipes that currently come with pybombs do not compile.
>>>>> tnx, Mark
>>>> Mark,
>>>> You can edit the recipe file to change the branch you want to check
>>>> out. In pybombs/recipes/gnuradio.lwr look for the 'gitbranch' line.
>>>> Change this from 'master' to the tag of the version you want, such as
>>>> 'v3.6.5.1' for the latest in the 3.6 version.
>>>> Tom
>> Leave the branch as whatever you want (master, maint...) but add a
>> line for gitrev:
>> gitrev: tags/v3.6.5.1
>> Of course this could be whatever rev you want.
>> Nathan
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Nathan's correct, the proper way would be by using the "gitrev:" line,
you should be table to specify either a tag or a specific git revision.


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