For those lucky enough to be going to DEFCON, Balint Seeber (our
applications engineer) will be presenting "All Your RFz Are Belong to Me --
Hacking the Wireless World with SDR", in Track 4 from 10 AM to 11:45.  He
will be running all of his demos on the USRP B200, which we are going to
release very soon.

The low-cost B200 has frequency coverage of 50 MHz to 6 GHz, with 56 MHz of
instantaneous bandwidth (at 61.44 MS/s) over a USB 3 interface.  The B210
adds 2x2 MIMO capability and a bigger FPGA.  The device is bus-powered so
there is no need for an external power supply.  It *already* runs GNU
Radio, OpenBTS, LTE, and anything else that runs on our other USRPs.

Balint's talks are always very exciting, so be sure to check it out if you
are at the conference.  He is going to demonstrate RFID hacking (on
FastTrak toll passes), LTE, OpenBTS, and numerous other applications he has

For those not lucky enough to be there, here is a brief taste of it:

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