Hi all guys,

I have designed a small board based on Ti's CC1000 transciever, which I
want to use as my RF front end. The board provides 10.7 MHz IF signal at
one of the pins. After connecting everything I come to the point where I
don't understand what's going on after LFTX.
In the "documentation" about LFTX on ettus website it is written that it
can be used for one complex baseband rx channel or two real valued rx
chains. I which way i can get only real valued signal from RX-A (taking
only the real part from the signal coming from usrp source?)
I suppose that signal is downconverted to baseband using DDCs. Do they make
quadrature signal from the input and make complex baseband at the end?

Is there any stable clk signal at the board with frequency between 10 MHz
and 14 MHz that I can use as clock reference for my board?


Nemanja Savić
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