wxWidgets and wxPython are still hosed in MacPorts.  I've tried to convince the 
maintainer of those to revert wxWidgets back to @2.9.4, since that worked with 
all of the dependent ports; but, he has refused to do so while he (and others, 
including me) work on a branch to fix this massive problem (wx within 
MacPorts).  In the meantime, you can still install GNU Radio without wxgui, by 
specifying each variant you wish -- just not +wxgui.  So, instead of using 
+full, you could use:
sudo port install gnuradio 
and get everything except wxgui.  I tried "sudo port install gnuradio +full 
-wxgui" but that fails for some reason; I'll ask on the MacPorts list to see 
what they say.  I will let the list know when some resolution has come of this 
issue, but I think this is the best work-around for now (and, yes, it works for 
me). - MLD

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