As of about 2:30 PM/US/ET today, the MacPorts gnuradio ports should work again 
with wx.  Do {{{
sudo port selfupdate
}}} to get the latest MacPorts install and port info.  Do {{{
port outdated
}}} to see what has changed, and, hopefully, some wx ports will appear; I 
bypassed this step, so I'm not sure this is the case.  Even if no wx or 
gnuradio ports appear, you can still upgrade them manually.

The gnuradio port has 2 primary changes:

1) It uses the new wx ports -- wxPython-3.0 and py27-wxPython-3.0 -- which are 
completely redesigned to handle wx more robustly than before.  You -might- have 
to deactivate the prior wx ports to get everything to work (e.g. {{{
sudo port -f deactivate `port installed | grep wx | grep active | sed -e 
}}}) -- it can't hurt to do this, since the new ports actually work out of the 
box.  Then, you can install the new wx ports either by reinstalling gnuradio, 
updating gnuradio, or installing them directly.

2) As of 48fe4d89 (2013-08-27), gnuradio-devel and gnuradio-next can be 
compiled using MacPorts GCC (e.g., gcc48) -- release 3.7.1 is imminent, and it 
will contain this change; release does not contain this change, and I 
have no plans to fix it unless there is demand to do so.  The way to use the 
alternative GCC is: (1) uninstall your current gnuradio install; (2) re-do the 
install, and append "configure.compiler=macports-gcc-4.8" to the command line.  
Please note that, currently, you'll have to reinstall both boost and cppunit 
with the same compiler command line addition (uninstall, then reinstall as with 
gnuradio).  But, once you've done all that, gnuradio works better using 
MacPorts GCC than it does with Apple's GCC (or, clang, for now).

As always, if you try the above and it fails, ping me and I'll help you fix it. 

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