Another feature that would be good for newbies: Like Tracie mentioned
yesterday, when I first jumped into GR earlier this year, my first
move was to run GRC and start playing with some graphs. Unfortunately
it was really hard to figure out where any examples were - and some of
the existing .grc files bundled with GR (at least at the time) didn't
even work.

I say we take a page out of the Arduino IDE book (see also: NetLogo)
and add a File, Examples menu item. This would provide the user with a
list of example GRC graphs, grouped by module or some other criterion.
A prerequisite to supporting this would be to provide a standardized
method for in-tree and OOT modules to indicate where their examples
were stored. Arduino does this by simply expecting any 3rd-party
libraries to have an "examples" subdirectory; it then adds those to
the friendly list.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Tom Rondeau <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Marcus Leech <> wrote:
>> Just a quick summary of the "things people would like" to see in GRC:
>>    o off-page connectors -- for managing large flow-graphs
> This would just enable Balint's addiction.
>>    o better-handling of GRC-produced hier-blocks
>>    o allow blocks to be in more than one category
> This is already possible. Like the "Message Debug" block is in both
> "Debug Tools" and "Message Tools".
>>    o make searching "easier"
>>    o integrate Doxygen block documentation better
> This was one of the GSoC projects.
>>    o provide a safe method for blocks object handle to be passed into
>> "helper code"
>>    o some kind of "organizer" for parameters and variables
>>    o A way to make "Note" blocks larger and maybe multi-line
> Aside from that, these are all good suggestions. There will be some
> work on GRC at the hackfest on Friday. Hopefully this will all get
> recorded and we can make this a sustained effort.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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