Dincer -

>  Why did you not use a usual Python flowgraph (like in file scan) but a
> C++ flowgraph?

Python flowgraphs aren't any more 'usual' than C++ flowgraphs. Python is
perhaps more widely used because that is how GRC generates flowgraphs, but
many applications, especially those that need low-level control of memory,
are written in C++.

Both are natively supported by GNURadio - it's just up to the application
developer which is more appropriate.


> ****
> Is there anywhere a python flowgraph for the live scan app?****
> ** **
> Thanks again,****
> Dincer ****
> ** **
> *Von:* Ben Wojtowicz [mailto:bwojt...@gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013 14:40
> *An:* Dincer Beken
> *Cc:* Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org; openlte-disc...@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Betreff:* Re: [Openlte-discuss] Error while building openLTE code on USRP
> ****
>  ** **
> Dincer,****
> Hopefully this will clarify things a bit:
> 1) The dl_scan application will not work with USRP currently due to the
> resampling issue.  Since gr-osmosdr will support USRP, the dl_scan
> application should run using a USRP, but the sampling rate will be
> incorrect and it will not decode anything.  This is the application that
> will need to have a resampler block added.
> 2) The dl_file_scan application is not dependent on any hardware.  It just
> uses a recorded baseband I/Q file for its processing.  However, the file
> must be recorded at one of the valid LTE sampling rates.  So again, if you
> are using the USRP, you will have to resample the data.  I have found that
> the octave function resample works great for this task.****
> I have not worked with grc in the past, so I can help much with anything
> you do there.  However, you can modify LTE_fdd_dl_scan_flowgraph.cc
> directly if you need.****
> Hope this helps,
> Ben****
> ** **
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Dincer Beken <dbe...@blackned.de> wrote:*
> ***
>   Hi Ben,****
>  ****
> thank you for your answer.****
>  ****
> My previous question was bit strange. ****
>  ****
> There are to functions of you, once the dl_file_scan and once the only
> dl_scan function.****
>  ****
> I did undertood that the dl_file_scan function kinda works with USRP, but
> I was not sure about the dl_scan function. ****
>  ****
> I read here that dl_scan does not support USRP:****
> http://sourceforge.net/p/openlte/mailman/message/30559702/****
>  ****
> Is it still valid: Does the dl_scan function still not suppoert USRP?****
>  ****
> OR can we by adding the resampler block run it? ****
> When I did run the dl_scan function, it (probably the osmo code)
> recognized the USRP2/N-SERIES device and got overflow alerts (“D”). ****
> I don’t undertand, if that means that the dl_scan function works with the
> USRP2/N but needs some resampling?****
>  ****
> So from your mail, I thought first the addition of the “resampler” is only
> valid for the dl_file_scan function, till I managed to run the dl_scan,
> thatswhy I am confused.****
>  ****
>  ****
> Lastly, (this is probably my job).****
> I don’t know if one can create from your source files grc flowcharts. I
> looking for that right now. Then, it would be “easy” to add a resampling
> block to your code.****
> If not, could you also please give a hint about how it can be done in your
> source code?****
>  ****
> Regards, Dincer****
> *Von:* Ben Wojtowicz [mailto:bwojt...@gmail.com] ****
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013 14:47
> *An:* Dincer Beken
> *Cc:* openlte-disc...@lists.sourceforge.net; Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org****
> *Betreff:* Re: [Openlte-discuss] Error while building openLTE code on USRP
> ****
>  ****
> Dincer,****
> I believe that you will need to add a resampler to the openLTE code in
> order to run on a USRP.  I don't have a USRP myself, but I believe that
> they only allow sample rates that are integer divisions of 100Msps (except
> the USRP B200 series).  In order to get a valid LTE sample rate (30.72,
> 15.36, 7.68, 3.84, or 1.92Msps), you will need to add a resampling block.*
> ***
> As you mentioned, I am using the gr-osmosdr blocks to interface currently
> to rtl-sdr and hackRF.  There is support in gr-osmosdr for USRP, but it
> will need to be handled in the flowgraph.****
> Hope this helps,
> Ben****
>  ****
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Dincer Beken <dbe...@blackned.de> wrote:*
> ***
>   Sorry but I think I mailed to early.****
>  ****
> On a normal gnuradio distribution from the build-gnuradio.py -m” code on
> Fedora, I did not experience the problems while build and install. ****
> I am checking out the code right now..****
>  ****
> Regarding OSMO and RTL-SDR, I did understand it like the libraries can
> detect and work with USRP, so that’s probably clear, too.****
> When using those libraries with USRP, are there any specific changes that
> I should make for some blocks etc.?****
>  ****
> Regards,****
> Dincer****
>  ****
> *Von:* discuss-gnuradio-bounces+dbeken=blackned...@gnu.org [mailto:
> discuss-gnuradio-bounces+dbeken=blackned...@gnu.org] *Im Auftrag von *Dincer
> Beken
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. September 2013 13:42
> *An:* openlte-disc...@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Cc:* Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> *Betreff:* [Discuss-gnuradio] Error while building openLTE code on USRP***
> *
>  ****
> Hi all, ****
>  ****
> I am new to Gnuradio and USRP. I want to try the openLTE Project on my
> USRP N210.****
>  ****
> During the cmake process I am getting the following errors:****
>  ****
> CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:92 (find_package): Could not find a
> configuration file for package "Gnuradio" that is compatible with requested
> version "3.7.0".****
> The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:****
> /usr/local/lib/cmake/gnuradio/GnuradioConfig.cmake, version: 3.8.git.0****
>  ****
>  ****
> Also since I am not using one of the following devices:****
> I also get :****
>  ****
> -- checking for module 'gnuradio-osmosdr' -- package 'gnuradio-osmosdr'
> not found -- Could NOT find GNURADIO_OSMOSDR (missing:
> module 'librtlsdr' -- package 'librtlsdr' not found -- Could NOT find
> module 'libhackrf' -- package 'libhackrf' not found -- Could NOT find
> module 'fftw3f >= 3.0' -- found fftw3f , version 3.3 -- Found FFTW3F:
> /usr/lib/libfftw3f.so CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:99 (message): GNURadio
> required to compile openLTE****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> After that, I changed in the cmake file the required Gnuradio Version
> manually to 3.8. Now I am getting only the OSMO / RTL errors:****
>  ****
> ·         -- checking for module 'gnuradio-osmosdr' -- package
> 'gnuradio-osmosdr' not found -- Could NOT find GNURADIO_OSMOSDR (missing:
> module 'librtlsdr' -- package 'librtlsdr' not found -- Could NOT find
> module 'libhackrf' -- package 'libhackrf' not found -- Could NOT find
> CMakeLists.txt:103 (message): GNURadio Osmosdr required to compile openLTE (
> http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/GrOsmoSDR)****
>  ****
>  ****
> From the discuss Forum of gnuradio, I read that it is possible to run it
> with USRP (USRP2) ****
>  ****
> https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/4169390#new****
>  ****
>  ****
> How can I ignore those libraries or replace them?****
> And can I use this code on the USRP?****
>  ****
> Regards,****
> Dincer****
>  ****
>  ****
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>  ** **
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