I'm using ControlPort to monitor transmissions through a USRP. I have a 
flowgraph responsible for generating burst traffic and streaming to a uhd_sink. 
Then I have a uhd_source tuned to the same frequency as the uhd_sink, and I 
connect it to a ctrlport_probe2_c block with length=128. I have ControlPort 
support compiled-in and enabled from a config file. I'm able to connect to a 
remotely running flowgraph using gr-ctrlport-monitor and plot the PSD of the 
"samples" vector pulled from the probe2 block every 100 milliseconds. The 
problem is that after (what seems to be) a nondeterministic time, the ICE port 
stops responding and gr-ctrlport-monitor reports an error:

ctrlport-monitor: radio.get threw exception (exception 

When I close and restart, gr-ctrlport-monitor times out and segfaults:

2013-11-11 16:02:47.329422 /usr/local/bin/gr-ctrlport-monitor: error: Traceback 
(most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/Ice.py", line 984, in main
    status = self.doMain(args, initData)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/Ice.py", line 1031, in doMain
    return self.run(args)
line 97, in run
    radio = self.getRadio(host, port)
line 36, in getRadio
    radio = GNURadio.ControlPortPrx.checkedCast(base)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio_ice.py", line 1257, in 
    return _M_gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadio.ControlPortPrx.ice_checkedCast(proxy, 
'::GNURadio::ControlPort', facetOrCtx, _ctx)
ConnectTimeoutException: exception ::Ice::ConnectTimeoutException

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

So there are two issues to note here:

-          Something in the ICE instance is breaking on the GNU Radio flowgraph 
side. The port is still open; it just times out. Trying to instantiate 
gr-ctrlport-monitor to an incorrect port just says "connection refused," as 

-          gr-ctrlport-monitor is not robust to connection-related errors like 
timeouts or refused connections.

Is there any advice of what I can turn on or enable in GNU Radio or my 
flowgraph to debug the first problem? I can live with the second problem as 
long as I can make sure ICE doesn't break on me.

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