Nella citazione in data Wed Nov 20 00:50:52 2013, Michael Dickens ha scritto:
Earlier today I pushed r113561 to MacPorts < > which should allow pretty much any 
compiler should work on 10.8 or 10.9 (and, likely, any other OSX version) to build 
any version of gnuradio (legacy, release, devel, next). If your build is broken, 
please try:
sudo port clean gnuradio gnuradio-devel
sudo port -f -p uninstall gnuradio gnuradio-devel
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gnuradio-devel
and then see if the dial_tone works; see if gnuradio-companion works.  Compared 
with previous fixes, this one seems to work across the board.  So please give 
this change a try if you're using GNU Radio on OSX via MacPorts.  Enjoy! - MLD

ps> The issue, as has been the case before, comes down the compiling VOLK.  This time, 
the problem is that Apple's clang is some version of 3.3, which has issues with the 
cvtpi32_ps intrinsic on ACX.  Clang 3.4 has the fixes for this intrinsic.  So ... long story 
short is that in MacPorts only, I patch volk/lib/CMakeLists.txt to test for not just xgetbv 
but also for cvtpi32_ps.  I'm not sure it is important to include this patch within GNU 
Radio proper, but it does specify "if (APPLE)" to it could be done.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Hi folks, can you give some good news about the building from source of the gnuradio tarball ? As I previously said, i need to work with gnuradio and above.....

Kind Regards,


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