> Meanwhile I use the second laptop and USRP N200 device as the receiver by 
> running the ./ofdm_rx.py. The error rate is very high.
>So you receive some packets or none? Yes, I receive hopefully. But the packer 
>error rate is too high. I went through different configurations and gains. And 
>finally I see that the problem is the transmission side. The gain does not 
>have any influence on the error rate.
>> The problem is that when I change gain in the USRP sink nothing changes (i 
>> tested it using 'wxgui_fftsink'). 
>> (I think it is a software problem since I tested it with another project. 
>> There it changes when I change gain.)
>Can you please be a litte bit more verbose? Where do you plug in the FFT sink? 
>What do you see? What did you expect to see. Yes, sure. So I attach FFT sink 
>to the USRP source in the ofdm_rx.grc. You should see an FFT plot like a 
>normal FFT block. I set FFT size to 64 and frequency to the frequency which I 
>transmit or receive. Ok. lets say we do not care what we see, but when I 
>change the gain in the transmitter nothing changes in the plot. You know that 
>the curve dB should go higher, isn't it? However in this case the receiver 
>signal dB is below -80 dB which showa that there is very low signal.
Even I detach the antenna it works, funnily. I testet this with benchmarks to 
see if it is a hardware problem or not. It seems like smt. is wrong in the 
transmission side.  Do you have any idea what can cause it?
>If you plug it in after the USRP block it is not a problem of the receiver, 
>but here the actual signal might be hard to spot. In that case I would try 
>gr-fosphor. If it is after the signal has been normalised it is obviously 
>independent from the gain setting. I started a readme file with some tips (see 
>github) maybe you find something interesting in there.

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