I have found a slightly outdated wiki page for setting up easy
interoperability between Gnuradio and Octave.  The wiki page (
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Octave#Installing) has
an outdated path structure and
should read as "addpath("/home/username/gnuradio/gr-utils/octave")". Also
to note, when this is done, upon starting Octave the following two warning
messages are displayed. I'm not sure if this is an issue or not.

warning: function /home/michael/Devel/build/gnuradio/gr-utils/octave/cool.m
shadows a core library function
warning: function
/home/michael/Devel/build/gnuradio/gr-utils/octave/rainbow.m shadows a core
library function

Michael Berman
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