On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com> wrote:
> On 01/17/2014 09:23 AM, Ron Economos wrote:
>> I had mentioned it in the Nuand forum DVB-T thread.
>> gr-dvbt is being updated daily right now. The 8k carrier
>> mode and a fix for QPSK were added today.
> Ron,
> that's very cool! I noticed gr-dvbt is not yet part of PyBombs. Could
> you take some time and add a recipe?
> MB

Another good tool that sounds like it will be useful here is VOLK,
which is designed to get us away from issues of using or not using SSE
(and other SIMD) on different processors.


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