On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Ben Z en de rest
<hoofdeigenw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I am having a basic question about the WX GUI Slider
> I am wondering why the Num Steps in WX GUI Slider have to be double the
> value than I calculate.
> For example, if I have minimum set at 86 MHz and maximum at 108 MHz and I
> want steps of 100 kHz I distract 86 from 108 which leaves me with 22 MHz, so
> for 100 kHz steps I think I should use Num Steps value of 220. That way I
> get steps of 200 kHz and I have to set Num Steps to 440 to get 100 kHz
> steps.
> Is there some logical explanation for this ?
> Running GNU Radio Companion 3.7.2
> TnX,
> Ben


I've just tested this out and am not observing the same problem.
Setting the number of steps to 220 gives me step sizes of 100 kHz like

What version of wxPython do you have installed? I tested this on
Ubuntu 12.04 with python-wxgtk2.8 (and libwxgtk2.8-0) using version I've seen changes like this effect our QTGUI applications,
specifically in setting the frequency axis to either half or double
the specified sample rate.


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