On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Carl Allen <carl.alle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to GNU Radio and I followed the new windows install directions
> listed in the thread "Successful installation of GNURadio on Window
> XP and Windows 8"  for my Windows 7 machine (intel 64 bit OS).  Everything
> installed okay except when I created a simple chain in the gnu
> radio-companion (signal source, throttle, and WX UI Scope Sink) the WX GUI
> Scope Sink freezes before plotting anything.
> I followed the directions mentioned in "WX GUI Scope frozen and error-msg
> gr_vmcircbuf_default_factory: Invalid argument" thread with no success.
> Namely 1) I created C:\Users\"myname"\.gnuradio\config.conf in notepad with
> " [wxgui]" ," style = nongl"  2) renamed the openGL file folders in
> C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\ directory.
> Not sure if this is related, but I can not run the gnuradio-companion.py
> from the command prompt.  In order to run the script I have to open it run
> it from the python IDE.
> Below I included the messages from the GNU Radio Companion and the WxPython
> window below.  The error message listed in the wxPython window was:
>   "TypeError: ("No array-type handler for type <class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>
> (value: c_ulong(0L)) registered", <OpenGL.converters.CallFuncPyConverter
> object at 0x02F8E730>)
> Note that the WxPython message is the same message posted in the thread
> "Gnuradio 3.7.2 Windows?."  I could not find a resolution to this problem in
> the archives or by searching the net so any assistance would be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Carl

Hi Carl,

Any progress on this problem? It would be nice to get an answer, but
I'm afraid it's going to take someone who understands Windows better
than I do. Not being able to run gnuradio-companion from the command
line suggests a bigger problem, possibly related to paths, which might
be the cause of something.


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