Hi Guys,

Ok, I have found out how to make it work reliably. You must register a
listener with set_msg_handler, and then you will get the missing
messages there.

In light of this, I do not see how pdu_to_tagged_stream could work
reliably. It does not register a listener (but it does not block
either), so if there is a gap in the message stream, then it will miss
that message.


On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Miklos Maroti
<mmar...@math.u-szeged.hu> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am using the messaging support of basic_block registering the
> message queue with message_port_register_in and removed the obtained
> messages with delete_head_blocking. This block is producing streams
> and everything seems to work fine as long as I consume the messages
> fast enough. However, if I put a throttle block after my stream
> producing block, then messages get lost.
> The producer generates 10000 messages with message_port_pub, but the
> consumer does not receive all of those messages. I intentionally wait
> 500 ms on the producer for the consumer to be started (otherwise the
> consumer might not get registered in time). So I have verified that
> the problem is not in my code, but somewhere the messages get lost.
> As far as I see in the basic_block code these message queues are not
> regular msg_queue objects but std::deque objects protected by locks. I
> do not see how messages could get lost. Any ideas?
> Miklos

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