I am seeing some odd behavior with an OOT decimation block.  What I am
seeing is chunks of data are being dropped down to noise for random calls
of the work function in my OOT.  To observe this happening, I tee'd off the
connection going into my OOT module and went strait into a file sink and
then from within the OOT module for each call of the work function I stored
off the incoming data to a file; the results of a good and bad frame of
data are provided in the below links.  Within this data, the top chart is
the file sink tee'd off and you can see it tracking well for the most part
with the data from within the module on the bottom.  Within the "bad frame"
image however, a little over 1000 samples in, the data drops down noise
around 0 instead of being a nice (and slightly noisy...) sinusoid.  The OOT
module has a decimation value of 4000 in this particular case.  I am
running on Fedora 20 with a week old pull of GNURadio master branch.

Does anybody have any thoughts as to why this is happening, and what I
could do to resolve it?

The first resolution that is coming to mind would be to re-write my OOT
module to run with general_work, and manage the input buffer myself.  Does
anybody see any issues with doing this as a work around/solution?

good frame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tma3qn5byismgha/good_frame.png
bad frame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgvcmlbgma14k0i/bad_frame.jpg

Thank you all in advance for the help,

Michael Berman
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