On 05.03.2014 16:42, Кирилл Снежко wrote:
Hi everybody!

My name is Kirill Snezhko and i am a student of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University and an exchange student in Hochschule
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. I am very interested in this topic - Integration of
GNU Radio into

 I am comfortable in programming using Java, Python, C/C++. For
beginners it is not very easy to start using GNU Radio. I would like
 to change this opinion.

Can anyone please tell me how to start working on this?


you chose a topic we suggested two years ago. However, I like your idea and your wish to make GNU Radio more accessible.

As with all the other students, head to the wiki and read all the wiki pages on GSoC. You then need to start working on a proposal (see the wiki). I'm assuming you know how to work on Eclipse -- because here, few people do.

Post your proposal to this thread once your done. We'll give feedback.

As written on the wiki, we can't promise finding a mentor for this project. It depends on your proposal, really.


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