Quick reminder that we will have a meet-up in Vogelbräu tonight at
19:00. This is not limited to WSR participants! All GNU Radio
enthusiasts are invited.

I've booked a table and will be there slightly before 7. Our table
should be easy to find, just scan for the homing beacon signal I'll be
transmitting at 785 MHz, or should I forgot to do so because this is a
pub after all, look out for GNU Radio logos.


On 02/16/2014 11:25 PM, Martin Braun wrote:
> Sebastian, thanks for organizing this!
> On Tuesday, March 11th, there will also be the (by now traditional)
> meeting of GR enthusiasts in Vogelbräu [1]. I'll book a table for 19:00.
> MB
> [1] Address: Kapellenstraße 50, http://www.vogelbraeu.de/
> On 02/16/2014 03:58 PM, Sebastian Koslowski wrote:
>> After the workshop we'll hold a 3-day hackfest here at the CEL- 2
>> 1/2 days to be exact, that is March 13-15. Over the last years hackfests
>> have become a regular event for GR developers to get together and work
>> on new features, bug fixes, and discuss where to go next. As far as I
>> know this will be the first hackfest in Europe and so we would like to
>> invite everyone interested to stay a few days longer in Karlsruhe and do
>> some GR coding.

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