
> There are no documentation of what SBX performs on incoming or
> outgoing signals.  https://www.ettus.com/product/details/SBX

IMHO Ettus is among the brands where there is the _least_ surprises
just because the exact schematic is published, you can see _exactly_
what the SBX does to your signal ...

> If Ettus support personnel doesn't clear things up, the Ettus products
> continue to remain mystery to many newcomers.

Just a thought, but have you considered that "newcomers" aren't the
target audience ?

SDR has "radio" in it, and to use them properly you kind of need an
understanding of how radio works. Ettus isn't here to teach you the
fundamentals of RF, Radios, DSP, SDR, ... you're supposed to learn
those by yourself beforehand.



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