One thing I did once and worked are:

1. Use a file sink instead of USRP when transmitting. Then, once the file is 
generated send the samples from file (opened in a file source) directly to 
USRP. That will need a good harddrive with at least 80MB/s read speed, a SSD 
will work probably. 

2. Do the above but write the file int RAM like dd if=yourfile.bin of=/dev/ram0 
- you may need to give root access. Then open /dev/ram0 in a file source and 
send it to USRP. This will consume you RAM and will potentiall lock your laptop 
if the .bin file is bigger than RAM size.

But, indeed you probably need a better computer.


On Monday, March 31, 2014 6:59 PM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

I'm afraid you can't reduce needed sample rate for a fixed bandwidth.

You need a stronger laptop. Often, plugging it into mains power helps.


On 31.03.2014 17:52, Nasi wrote:
> ohhh, now I understand. It produces UUUU in the transmitter side -
> which probably means underflow with my laptop. Do you know how to
> decrease this power?
> Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:44:49 -0700 (PDT) ?? Bogdan Diaconescu
> <>:
>> For dvbt the bandwidth is around 9.14Msps so with the rational
>> resampler you need to set-up the USRP at 10Msps. 1Msps will not
>> work as only a part of the spectrum will be received.
>> Bogdan
>> On Monday, March 31, 2014 6:36 PM, Nasi <>
>> wrote: Hi,
>> Thanks!
>> I am using collected data also as
> you say.
>> I am using sampling rate of 1 Mbps instead of 10 Mbps which must
>> be the same for static transmission. Isn't it?
>> Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:23:01 -0700 (PDT) ?? Bogdan Diaconescu
>> <>: Hi, not having access to my setup for
>> now but for the beginning you could try recording the spectrum
>> with your USRP and then use the file source to decode the signal
>> offline. There is a script file apps/ that I usually
>> use to capture data. You may tweak it for your needs (frequency,
>> gain).
>> Sometimes it was reported that on old cpus the processing power
>> is not enough so that the result is an overflow (you directly see
>> a long OOO message in this case). Try to see if this is the
>> case.
>> One way to reduce the overhead is to run the receiving flow
>> directly from command
> line instead of gnuradio-companion (e.g. ./top_block > out.txt)
> after you have generated the flowgraph. The gnuradio-companion
> cannot cope with big amount of data when the blocks gets out a lot
> of text.
>> Bogdan
>> On Monday, March 31, 2014 1:22 PM, Nasi <>
>> wrote: Hi all,
>> I am using ubuntu 13.04, GNURADIO 3.7. I cannot transmit or
>> receive using two (USRPN200 + XCRV2450 d.board+VERT2450 antennas)
>> devices for DVB-T project. Here is the dvb-t project:
>> It will be very helpful and appreciated if you help me. If
>> someone tested it or can do it, please let me know. As far as I
>> know someone tested it with N210 model.
>> I think this failure is due to high noise/interference or smt.
>> else. However I tested it already with all possible
>> configurations. I also attach my .grc files.
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