On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Ken Adams <k...@logic.fm> wrote:

> I'm looking for some tips on how to improve file transfer using two
> USRP's. I understand the method I'm using might be fairly crude, but I'm
> just starting out.
> Problem is I'm dropping a lot of data out of the file (receiving missing
> parts of a string and such). This gets really bad when one of the USRP's is
> moving.
> File Source > Packet Encoder > GMSK Mod > USRPB100 Sink
> USRP B100 Source > Xlating FIR Filter (LP 100khz) > GMSK Demod > Packet
> Decoder > File Sink.
> I want to try and add some FEC, however, the only FEC blocks that ship
> with GNURadio say "This package is for continuous data, not packetized".
> Any FEC tips would be nice.
> Is there anything wrong/bad with this flow graph for sending files? Or
> perhaps a better solution? I understand there could be a heap of problems
> not relating to GNURadio, but I'm sending the files in the middle of a very
> large (>1mile square) open field , with good line of sight.
> Cheers,
> Ken


There's lots that can go wrong between the transmitter and receiver. As
you've already identified, there's no FEC here, so nothing to fix an error.
Even a single bit error in a packet will cause you to lose that packet
because of the CRC check.

At our latest hackfest, we worked (among other things) on two things: our
new FEC system and gr-mac. The FEC API system will allow you to apply FECs
to packetized data, and gr-mac has ARQ. See the notes from the event for
where things are:


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