On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Daniele Nicolodi <dani...@grinta.net>

> On 27/06/2014 20:51, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:
> > This question is not strictly GNURadio related, but I hope to find
> > people more knowledgeable than me here...
> >
> > I have a signal x(t) at a carrier frequency fc which is phase modulated.
> > The phase modulation itself is modulated at a modulation frequency fmod:
> >
> >   x(t) = Eo cos(2 pi fc t + m(t))
> >
> >   m(t) = Ao cos(2 pi fmod + phi)
> >
> > I know exactly fmod (it is a coherent modulation/demodulation
> > experiment), and I have a good estimate of fc. I need to, extract
> > amplitude Ao and phase phi of that modulation.
> Hello,
> the solution that I found (and that works very well) is to track the
> carrier frequency with a digital PLL.  With the tracking PLL block in
> GNURadio it is easy.  GNURadio is fun! :)
> Cheers,
> Daniele

Yep, that's a pretty classic way to do it. Glad you figured it out!

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