On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Tom Tsou <t...@tsou.cc> wrote:

> The typical use case for the TCP is variable length packets up to a
> fixed maximum (6144 bits for LTE). Message passing is inherently a
> better fit and the double-mapped buffer probably shouldn't apply.

This is a good point. How would this system deal with variable length
packets? The problem I have with message passing is that it becomes too
device specific and has additional latencies and limits on how much data
can be passed through the message queue.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Tom Tsou <t...@tsou.cc> wrote:

> Though, not being familiar with the
> current Keystone transport options, what are the other preferred
> approaches?

There are a lot but they all boil down to different forms of message
passing. MessageQ is the quickest and fairly easy to use but has limits on
the amount of data one can pass.

I think it will be good at the meeting tomorrow to talk about a couple of
different approaches. We can lay out a couple of options and poke holes in
them to figure out which direction we want to take this.
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