I'm happy this is working for you, David.  So do I understand correctly,
that the adding tx_time finally made the MIMO case work?

I'd never done burst transmission with multiple USRP outputs.  I'm not
totally surprised but I wasn't sure what would happen.

Maybe someone from Ettus can comment on this?  Since UHD is trying to do
time alignment in the multi_usrp class, what happens to time alignemt in
the non-continuous-streaming case if you *don't* include a tx_time tag?


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:23 AM, David Halls <david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com>

>  John thanks for all your help, this works, although it is necessary to
> add ‘tx_sob’ and ‘tx_eob’ tags (or certainly it is for those not using the
> latest gr-uhd).
> If you are using MIMO it is more complicated, as you have to add a
> ‘tx_time’ tag as well. This is not obvious how to generate in a tx flow
> graph.
> My solution was to use a UHD source (the same address as the tx USRP),
> which generates rx_time, I then created a block which reads in this rx_time
> tag and sends it as a message to a block just before my UHD sink which
> converts this to a tx_time based on the number of bursts sent, and the
> burst interval that I desire.
> As I am using MIMO, i.e. multiple USRPs in one UHD sink, I also had to use
> multiple USRPs in the UHD source to produce the rx_time (although the
> multiple rx_times will be equal).
> *From:* John Malsbury [mailto:jmalsbury.perso...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 15 October 2014 20:03
> *To:* David Halls
> *Cc:* Matt Ettus; GNURadio
> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Source Block - Flow Control
> Hmmmm.. I've never done burst transmissions with a 2x MIMO case.  That may
> or may not put a minor wrinkle in things.  Let's go for the gusto and try
> this anyway...
> (or were you not looking for a burst transmission?)
> This assumes you're using a relatively recent (past couple months?) build
> of UHD and GR.
>    1. Produce some data as a PDU.  The quickest is to use a message
>    strobe into a random PDU generator.  If you want data you control, use a
>    message strobe with something like this as the message value:
> pmt.cons(pmt.to_pmt({}),pmt.init_u8vector(payload_size,[0x55]*payload_size))
>    Of course, you'd ultimately replace this fixed or random data with
>    your own PDU-producing block.  Or maybe use some clever python inside or
>    outside the flowgraph.
>    2. Use PDU-to-stream block, make sure the length tag name matches
>    whatever UHD is using downstream (this is a parameter in the uhd sink now).
>    3. Put that stream through your modulator.
>    4. I think there's a block that multiplies the value of the length in
>    the length tag.  set this to the interpolation factor of your modulator and
>    put it somewhere in the chain.  If this block does not have one, borrow the
>    one from gr-mac.  "burst_tagger"
>    <https://github.com/jmalsbury/gr-mac/blob/master/lib/burst_tagger_impl.cc>
> In summary:
>        *Message Strobe -> Random PDU -> PDU to Stream -> Modulator ->
> [see how the constellation works]*
> Give it a shot.  If it doesnt work, give a brief try with the SISO case.
> You'll want to add some leading/trailing samples to flush FIR-filters and
> such for the full frame to get out of the USRP unscathed.  We can address
> this next...
> -John
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 11:47 AM, David Halls <
> david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com> wrote:
>  Hi John,
> I have been trying at this all day! Not familiar with the async message
> stuff, I have tried putting ‘sleep()’ in the source block, I have tried a
> throttle outside it and even discarding the first X items just before the
> UHD sink to flush the buffer away.
> This all causes weird underflows and things at the USRP and results in a
> horrible looking constellation at the RX (I am transmitting 2x1 MISO which
> requires perfect TX sync). This is exactly the behaviour, I think, that
> Matt warned of!!
> Could you give me a bit more of an idea of how to even do the simpler
> idea, that I had thought of… I need to basically trigger the source at
> certain intervals. How does the message queue interact with the block, does
> the program flow jump to ‘parse_header_data_msg()’ automatically when a
> message arrives?
> DH
> *From:* John Malsbury [mailto:jmalsbury.perso...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 14 October 2014 23:42
> *To:* David Halls
> *Cc:* Matt Ettus; GNURadio
> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Source Block - Flow Control
> In the implementation I have in mind, the upstream logic didn't make
> decisions on when the data generating block should generate data per se...
> Instead, the upstream block provided feedback on the number of packets
> received by the USRP (via the old async message block).  With this feedback
> and knowledge of the interpolation steps between itself and the USRP, the
> data generating block could throttle its own output to achieve a specified
> latency [on the order of 10's of ms].
> I think using a simpler scheme of triggering with an async message would
> be a more convenient place to start though... What do you think, David?
> -John
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:23 PM, David Halls <david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi John,
> Nice to hear from you.
> Perhaps in a similar fashion to Martin's HPD block; I can pass a message
> back from later in the flow graph to indicate when to release a packet from
> the source?
> David
> -------- Original message --------
> From: John Malsbury
> Date:2014/10/14 23:08 (GMT+00:00)
> To: David Halls
> Cc: Matt Ettus ,GNURadio
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Source Block - Flow Control
> David,
> Perhaps you can use an async message to trigger the blocks output?
> In some applications that require filler between valid data frames, I've
> seen people throttle based off of the number and size of received messages
> at the USRP.
> -John
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:02 PM, David Halls <david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com>
> wrote:
>  That sounds promising. The only thing is that the data *is* valid from
> time zero, but I just want to send the values from my source block, say
> once per second.
> What can I use to block in my block, just not produce any items for some
> period of time or a number of calls?  and is there anyway to know when I
> can stop blocking? What will fill the buffers further down the chain?
> thanks,
> David
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Matt Ettus
> Date:2014/10/14 22:56 (GMT+00:00)
> To: David Halls
> Cc: Jeff Long ,GNURadio
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Source Block - Flow Control
> No, if you don't have anything useful to output in a source block, you can
> (and should) block while you wait.  If you have something useful, but not
> as much as requested, you can output only what you have.  There is no need
> to generate filler in GNU Radio.
> Matt
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 2:43 PM, David Halls <david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com>
> wrote:
>  Matt,
> In my source block I can limit the calls to the DB ok, but I will still
> need to output something from the block, won't I? This will then propagate
> and fill the buffers?
> Thanks,
> David
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Matt Ettus
> Date:2014/10/14 19:09 (GMT+00:00)
> To: Jeff Long
> Cc: GNURadio
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Source Block - Flow Control
> Jeff,
> If there is a hardware device like a USRP in the chain, then you should
> not use a throttle block.  What you are seeing is the initial startup
> burst.  When everything starts up, all the buffers are empty, and GNU Radio
> will generate data until something backs up.  Once they fill up, you are
> seeing the rate settle down.  This is all normal.
> If you really need to rate limit what gets requested of the database
> during the initial transient (which I don't recommend), you should do that
> within your source block.
> Matt
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Jeff Long <willco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Should have mentioned ... set the throttle rate just slightly higher than
> what the chain would consume at steady state when all the buffers are
> filled and the USRP is transmitting. How well this works depends on what
> the rest of the chain looks like.
> - Jeff
> On 10/14/2014 05:52 PM, Jeff Long wrote:
> Use a throttle block immediately after your source block, setting the
> vector size to match your source.
> - Jeff
> On 10/14/2014 04:34 PM, David Halls wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am wondering how to add some flow control to a source block, so that
> it doesn’t fire out items so quickly.
> Later stages of my flow graph are slowed by various bits of processing
> and combining, before transmission via USRP, with bursts being
> transmitted every few seconds.
> What happens is that the block fires out 1,000s of vectors, and then
> seems to slow down and settle into sync with the rest of the flow graph
> after a few seconds. As my source block is reading in from a Database, I
> want to slow this initial rate significantly.
> The block outputs vectors of bytes (v_len=144). Any ideas?
> Regards,
> David
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> David Halls Ph.D.
> Research Engineer
> Toshiba Research Europe Limited
> 32 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4ND, UK
> Tel: +44 (0) 117 906 0790
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