Problem: Real and Imaginary outputs of CPFSK sometimes seem flipped in the

I'm using the CPFSK block to modulate for a binary FSK radio. All that I
reference here is in the transmitter. There are 3 input paramaters for the
block: k (modulation index), A (Amplitude) and N (Samples/Symbol). The
relationship between input and output of the CPFSK block is shown below and
found in the source code:

out[n] = A*exp( j * k * pi * 1/N * n * input[n] )

where input[n] = +1 or -1 is the input data to the block.

Now with that all setup, here is the odd behavior. Since input[n] is only
+1 and -1, I expect the real part of the output to remain unchanged and the
input changes, because cos(-x) = cos(x) and I expect the imaginary part to
flip signs as the input changes because sin(-x) = -sin(x). What I see is
sometimes the cos will be flipping signs with the sin remaining constant.
It is as though the inphase and quadrature arms were reversed.

I am looking at the real and imaginary output of the CPFSK block in the
transmitter. Because we are in the transmitter, there are no channel
effects or synchronization effects that come into play to cause this.

Does anyone know what could cause this?

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