
Bananapi / LUbuntu

After building GNURadio with the build-script and compiling / installing with success i can start gnuradio-companion or any gnuradio based py application but i get the following error messages.
linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.2; Boost_105400; UHD_003.008.001-52-gd9e7a42d

Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" -> I know the reason of this error. This is easy to fix.
gr-osmosdr v0.1.4-9-g48045b59 (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.6
built-in source types: file fcd rtl_tcp uhd rfspace

FATAL: No supported devices found to pick from.

Trying to fill up 1 missing channel(s) with null source(s).
This is being done to prevent the application from crashing
due to gnuradio bug #528.

Source has no sample rates (wrong device arguments?).

It seems that the USB RTL 2832U stick is not found by gnuradio.

I could see the device with dmesg and the rtl_test / rtl-test -t is successfull.
Any ideas ?


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YOu don't have the rtl support compiled-in to gr-osmosdr--perhaps because you were missing librtlsdr
Hi Marcus,
ok, so the problem is that the build-script didnt compile gr-osmosdr with rtl support because the librtlsdr wasnt installed from the build-script before compiling gr-osmosdr ?
What do i have to do now ? Should i uninstall gr-osmosdr and then compile and install gr-osmsosdr again ?
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