
I have a python flowgraph with several blocks.

One of them is a "filter.single_pole_iir_filter_ff" which does a moving
average. The last block is a Sink to file block.

I scan several bands, 10MHz each, in order to get the power of the signals
in those bands. I use moving average to get an average of 5 readings in
each band.

In order to change the center frequency, I stop the flow-grahp, reconfigure
the USRP center freq and then start the flow-graph again.

I guess samples from the previous scans remain in internal block buffers
since I get power in samples of BAND2 (BAND1+10MHz) which are only present
in BAND1. That is, the moving average is effective between bands and I only
want to be effective in the same band.

I thought that stop() and start() signals would reset the entire graph but
I am afraid it doesn't.

Is there a way to flush those samples so that everytime I run the frequency
changed flow-graph I don't get the samples from the previous band?

Many thanks in advance.
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