
I would like to run a flowgraph similar to the one I attach in a picture.
It would work as follows:

USRP source would send frames with tags indicating the "rx_freq" of these
samples. Then the power of those samples will be calculated.

Will the "rx_freq tag" still be present at the input of the Tagged File
Sink or does any block in the middle get rid of them?

If still present in the Tagged File Sink, this block would store centain
number of vectors. Lets say 5 vectors of 2048 lenght (this would give me 5
power estimations of the current band).

When the number of stored vectors reaches a threshold, the Tagged File sink
would stop storing samples and would send a "center_freq" message to the
USRP in order to tune it to a new frequency. Then Tagged File Sink would
wait for the new "rx_freq" tag to store samples (this way I would discard
the old frequency samples).

Is this flowgraph feasible?

In case it is, I think I only have to program my custom "Tagged File Sink"
with a vector data input port and a message output port. Is that correct?

Any suggestions/ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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