Firstly, there is only one install of pybombs on this machine, so
definitely no separate install conflicts

Second, unfortunately, in an effort to start over, i uninstalled gr-fosphor
and attemted to reinstall it. I'm now getting this opencl error now. not
sure if this was something i overlooked last time, but i thought the build
was ok.
the resources on the internet regarding opencl are somewhat hazy (or at
least they are to me) and it seems that there are many different options
for drivers. Can you shed some light on building these with pybombs as a
dependency for gr-fosphor? Should they be installed system-wide or do they
have to be installed in the pybombs environment?


On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Sylvain Munaut <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 11:47 PM, ben Gee <> wrote:
> > i should also add that the output of "./pyboms" list shows that
> gr-fosphor
> > IS installed, output below:
> Interesting ...
> Are you sure you haven't two install of pybombs with different
> prefixes that would mix things up ?
> If not, I think pybombs keeps a build log somewhere for the various
> installed package, try to find it and pastebin it somewhere.
> Cheers,
>    Sylvain
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