
GRC has the worst ratio of people committing code (Seth is one of them) to importance of the project. There is even an entire wiki page with a GRC wishlist:

...and Sebastian (our main GRC guy) tracks even more stuff on the issue tracker. There will be a GRC Working Group call soon. If you (or anyone else) would like to contribute, you are very welcome.

Otherwise, GRC feature requests will fall under the bus (besides, it's hard to come up with *new* requests -- most people want the same stuff, but no one wants to write it).

If you're interested, tell us about it, and keep your eyes open for the next WG call.


On 23.03.2015 10:28, Seth Hitefield wrote:

I have been working on a patch for the second feature you mentioned. It
is the 'ignore_blocks' branch on my github:

If you run GRC from that branch, pressing 'p' should treat the block as
a pass through block, and it will not show up in a generated python
flow-graph. There are some bugs with it at the moment, but I think that
it is what you are looking for.

- Seth

On 03/23/2015 12:43 PM, Richard Bell wrote:
Hi all,

I wanted to pass a long two features that I wished existed.

I think it would be nice if every block in GRC came with a comment
field. A field for text that does nothing but allow users to add notes
to help others understand they're thinking when they set-up the
parameters of the block. It could be thought of as a user definable
documentation section.

The second was a 'comment through' option. This comments out the block
and passes data through it to the next block. Saves having to mess
with wires between blocks that are commented out.


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