On 03/23/2015 08:27 PM, Richard Bell wrote:
I noticed a large difference in errors between input and output files when I turn unbuffered on and off.

With unbuffered on, there was no difference between my input and output file.

With unbuffered off, there were a lot of small errors that were introduced to the output file.

Is this a known issue, and should I always keep unbuffered on? gr3.7.6 ubuntu 14.04


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If you unceremoniously terminate your flow-graph, there will be data in 'stdio' buffers that have not yet been committed to the operating system.

It may be the case, given Gnu Radio's internal buffering mechanism, that using "unbuffered" all the time is the right thing to do, unless stdio buffers offer a performance advantage for an application (Gnu Radio, in this case) that already does alot of its own buffering.

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