Please tell me the SharePoint server has no backups, and is running off a
56K modem running on GNURadio in somebody's grandmother's basement...


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Marcus Müller <>

> Hi Martin,
> thanks for wrapping up the news!
> Just to add a bit from the developers/infrastructural side of things:
> From the infrastructure side of things, we've agreed to migrate to our
> own SharePoint server, and ditch git. It had terrible Perforce support,
> and isn't really suited for VisualStudio projects. Also, it was really
> more complex that it should have been. Obviously, that breaks pybombs
> and build-gnuradio, but we should soon be seeing GR on the Windows 8/10
> App Store.
> I've spent the profits from last GRCON on the StackOverflow sponsoring
> and Facebook adverising. You will be seeing the new GR4 logo next to
> questions tagged with gnu-radio and software-defined-radio starting next
> monday, and people with related interests (hams, .Net devs, or
> GR-connected FB account) will see ads in their FB timeline soon, too;
> the idea is that the revenue that we can generate by placing
> successively more ads on will quickly cover our FB
> expenses, and will also give the project a touch of professionalism that
> basically made all but academic lunatics stay away from GR.
> Enjoy the ride,
> Marcus
> On 04/01/2015 09:30 PM, Martin Braun wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > as you might have heard, a GNU Radio hackfest is going on in sunny
> > California, and one thing we've gotten going is the 4.1 release for
> > GNU Radio. As you can tell, this is a major version jump.
> >
> > Here's a release summary:
> >
> > *Move to .NET*: This is probably the biggest change for now. Because
> > of our continuing troubles with SWIG, we decided to move to a
> > different platform for interoperating between a high-performance
> > language and an easy scripting language, and .NET serves this cause.
> > So, anything previously written in C++ is now in C#, and for the
> > simple stuff (previously Python blocks) we now use ASP.NET. This is
> > also fantastic as it finally allows graphical development using Visual
> > Basic.
> >
> > This also allowed us to modify the block API. The downside is, all OOT
> > modules will be incompatible with GR4 -- maybe gr_modtool will provide
> > conversion utilities once it has been ported to Delphi.
> >
> > Linux support is currently not available -- this is not ideal, but we
> > figured the 3.x series had broken Windows support for a long time, so
> > this simply moves the problem to a different operating system.
> > Unfortunately, we can't provide liveSDR ISOs anymore, now, because of
> > licensing issues. As soon as mono picks up the slack, we'll be able to
> > port GNU Radio 4 to Mono and Linux support will be mostly back on track.
> >
> > *Embedded Support*: As a result of the embedded Linux conference the
> > week prior to the hackfest, we realized that this whole 'embedded'
> > thing is just a fad and is eating up our development resources. We are
> > thus dropping embedded platform support for now, although we might
> > revisit this when embedded Windows becomes more popular.
> >
> > *GNU Radio Companion:* To overcome the lack of volunteers developing
> > GRC, we will be integrating our graphical development process into the
> > .NET framework also. As mentioned before, Visual Basic is ideally
> > suited for the development of graphical widgets and we're anticipating
> > a surge in new graphical widgets from the community.
> >
> > On the community side, there'll be a couple of changes, too: Some
> > already guessed we'd be dropping the mailing list as a communications
> > platform when we announced our endorsement of Stack Overflow. The
> > mailing list will go down as soon as we have a new web-based forum
> > available, where users can post images inline as well as use Emojis.
> > To avoid excessive trolling, users will either need a Facebook or
> > Paypal account to log in.
> >
> > Thanks everyone for being part of this community and keeping it going!
> > Of course, all the new stuff can be found on the 4.1 release website:
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Martin
> >
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> > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
> >
> >
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