Did you update GNU Radio *after* you updated UHD? If not, that's what
you should do.



On 30.04.2015 08:59, Richard Bell wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Ubuntu 14.04, gnuradio 3.7.8, USRP N210 and the latest UHD.
> Everything was recently (3 days ago) updated to newest versions and
> USRP's reflashed. I have custom flowgraphs that use the USRP N210's that
> work fine.
> I decided to play around with the benchmark_tx and benchmark_rx scripts
> to see what they could do, but I'm not able to receive anything because
> a segmentation fault crashes the benchmark_rx script as soon as I start
> the tx script. Even with the -v flag, I don't get any error output other
> then 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)'.
> Here is an example of the commands I use to start the scripts. I start
> the rx and then the tx.
> TX: *./benchmark_tx.py -v -f 1000000000 -r 800000 --args="addr="
> -A TX/RX --tx-gain=15*
> RX: *./benchmark_rx.py -v -f 1000000000 -r 800000 --args="addr="
> -A RX2 --rx-gain=15 *
> Am I doing something wrong on my end or is there a script issue?
> Thanks,
> Rich
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