I have this "nearly" working. MX brings up a window, connects to GRC,
briefly displays a graph, then blanks out. Displayed in the command line

gr-perf-monitorx: radio.getKnobs threw exception (math domain error).

I'm not sure what that message is telling me in the operation/debug
domain. Clue please.

The paper "Inspecting GNU Radio Applications with ControlPort and
Performance Counters" shows various blocks in Figures 2 and 5 named
"Ctrlport...". Are those necessary for MX? I haven't found anything that
indicates yes or no. Clue please.


root@Tori-Radio:~/thrift# gnuradio-companion  --version
GNU Radio Companion v3.7.7.1-131-g71ab508d

root@Tori-Radio:~/thrift# lsb_release  -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 15.04
Release:        15.04
Codename:       vivid

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