Introducing ISI to a PSK signal with a root-raised cosine (RRC) filter is a 
standard communications technique. At the receiver, use a matched RRC filter to 
eliminate the intentional ISI introduced at the transmitter. This works because 
the combined filter response of the two filters is a raised cosine pulse, which 
satisfies the Nyquist criterion for zero ISI.

In the PSK Mod block, the filter construction is not exposed to the user except 
through the excess bandwidth or roll-off parameter. You could adjust that 
bandwidth factor to be close to zero, but this will create a very long filter. 
If you really want to do what you are saying, it would be worth looking at the 
source code for the PSK Mod block, and taking the filter out. However, it is 
likely that you don’t really want to do this.


[] On Behalf 
Of Surya Agam
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 9:47 AM
To: GNURadio Discussion List
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] PSK Mod Block


I wanna use PSK Mod Block, but the ISI is annoying. Why PSK Mod Block have a 
it's own ISI?
And also is there anyway to disable the ISI from the block?


Surya Agam
University Al Azhar of Indonesia, Jakarta
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