On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 11:45 PM, bob wole <bnw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 11:41 PM, Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 1:03 PM, bob wole <bnw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 16.06.2015 08:26, bob wole wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I just stared working on FEC in gnuradio. I found that there is
>>>> > gr-fec.  I want to know that which literature , books/papers, was
>>>> > followed during the implementation of the gr-fec so that I can go
>>>> > through the c++ implementation more productively and add
>>>> > something.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > -- Bob
>>>> >
>>>> -
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I just stared working on FEC in gnuradio. I found that there is
>>>> gr-fec.  I
>>>> > want to know that which literature , books/papers, was followed
>>>> during the
>>>> > implementation of the gr-fec so that I can go through the c++
>>>> > implementation more productively and add something.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Bob
>>>> >
>>>> Hi Bob,
>>>> Have a look at the manual. The API itself is quite well described I
>>>> think:
>>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_fec.html
>>>> It doesn't cover the very recently added TPC and LDPC implementations.
>>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1fec_1_1ldpc__decoder.html
>>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1fec_1_1ldpc__decoder.html
>>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1fec_1_1tpc__encoder.html
>>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1fec_1_1tpc__decoder.html
>>>> Those could use work on their documentation.
>>>> We're also about to merge in another approach to LDPC encoding and
>>>> decoding
>>>> based on Tracie Perez's GSoC work. You can see the wip branch here:
>>>> https://github.com/trondeau/gnuradio/tree/fec/ldpc_methods
>>>> And the GSoC presentations:
>>>> http://www.trondeau.com/grcon2013-presentations#gsoc-perez
>>>> http://www.trondeau.com/grcon2013-presentations#gsoc-manu
>>>> Johannes Demel is working on polar codes this summer.
>>>> What's your particular interest in FEC? Are you looking to use it or
>>>> implement other codes not already in gr-fec? For the FEC API itself,
>>>> there
>>>> is no other reference than the manual page and a presentation from the
>>>> original author at our GRCons:
>>>> http://www.trondeau.com/grcon14-presentations#tut-mccarthy
>>>> http://www.trondeau.com/grcon2013-presentations#tut-mccarthy
>>>> Tom
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> Thanks for the links. I am targeting Turbo Codes mainly for short frame
>>> size. I found one presentation on turbo codes
>>> http://gnuradio.squarespace.com/storage/grcon14/presentations/Sep18_02_Karra_TurboCodes.pdf
>>> but I could not find its source code in gnuradio. Are Turbo codes
>>> implemented in gnuradio? if yes, in which version can I find it? One more
>>> question, I am targeting short frame length burst, currently which FEC in
>>> gnuradio can give me best gain in this case?
>>> --
>>> Bob
>> Bob,
>> Yes, Kiran's TPC work has been integrated as of (I even pointed
>> out the links to the manual pages for the tpc_encoder and tpc_decoder
>> above.)
>> Tom
> Thanks Tom,
> I am going to test them soon for my bursty system :) Lets see how it works.
> --
> Bob

Hi list,

gnuradio version
ubunutu 14.04 32-bit

I am trying to use gr-fec and I am having issues running examples located
in gnuradio/gr-fec/examples/

When I run ber_test.grc I get following error

Using Volk machine: avx_32_mmx_orc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gnuradio/gr-fec/examples/ber_test.py", line 267, in <module>
    tb = ber_test()
  File "/home/gnuradio/gr-fec/examples/ber_test.py", line 159, in __init__
    self.fec_extended_encoder_0 =
fec.extended_encoder(encoder_obj_list=enc, threading='capillary',
line 64, in __init__
    self.blocks.append(fec.puncture_bb(len(puncpat), read_bitlist(puncpat),
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/fec/bitflip.py",
line 47, in read_bitlist
    if int(bitlist[i]) == 1:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'p'

>>> Done (return code 1)

When I run tpc_ber_curve_gen.grc I get following error

Using Volk machine: avx_32_mmx_orc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gnuradio/gr-fec/examples/tpc_ber_curve_gen.py", line 450, in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py",
line 106, in start
    top_block_start_unlocked(self._impl, max_noutput_items)
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/runtime_swig.py", line
4860, in top_block_start_unlocked
    return _runtime_swig.top_block_start_unlocked(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: boost::thread_resource_error: Resource temporarily unavailable

>>> Done

fecapi_async_decoders.grc runs without any errors.

Any Ideas what could be wrong ?

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